Sunday 26 May 2013

Memorable Outing

Throw back to yesterday , I thought my Saturday gonna be a boring one . Thanks to this someone , I suddenly got invited to watch Fast and Furious 6 at the very last minute. The show was like , at 11pm and so I overnight at her house ._. The main point was that , at first I’m scared that I would be the one who would snore like hell, eventually my this friend’s 姐夫 snored even louder , totally lost to him .__. I couldn’t sleep due to the snoring , and I’ve tried few methods , such as using earphone while sleeping and so on. None works,that’s really gosh. Guess I managed to only sleep for 3 hours (6am until 9am+) I presume? After a quick lunch , they sent me back to my condo. Although I had a tough night , but still, thanks to them for bringing me out , dinner , movie, sleep over ,transport and most of all , we joke to each other non-stop. Quite a night huh? Never thought of my mind even a second I would experience such a moment with unexpected people . By the way , the best part was the dinner , millions thanks to her 姐夫 for the marvellous fantastic ba kut teh !   Bonjour !

Saturday 25 May 2013


More and more housemates are leaving back to their hometown. I ain't know if I'm suppose to be happy or another way round though. The good thing is that less people left, less rubbish and less work I have to do to ensure the cleanliness in our house. The bad thing could be, this house turned from an opera to silence of grave. A little boring without them , to be exact. Well , I’m suppose to put in all my strength and focus on my coming final exam for sem 1 now. Currently having the biggest issue with the bothersome-biology. It takes me real long time to get on it. I've got all other subjects an A , unfortunately a B- for biology class test in which I’m very dissapointed in myself for making so many careless mistakes. I ain't gonna repeat the same shit this time. My parents put so much hope in me , therefore they agreed to send me here back then. I must maintain my pointer of 3.9 , or else get better than that which appear to be my all time target in diploma , 4.0 CGPA all the way until my last semester. Impossible can become possible , possible become future, future become reality, reality become success. I hope I can be the one become the pride and honour to my family.

Sunday 19 May 2013


今天的挑战-酱油鸡 !

不怕说,虽然成功了煮好,好吃是好吃(真的好吃,不是我脸皮厚 :X),总是少了一种味道,那就是,家里的味道,也就是我爸爸的味道亲手煮的味道。

Day Out

Due to temptation,hunger and craving for the mightiest black-soy-sauce-chicken hakka style, i went to Tesco(somewhere near The Curve) for the ingredients . Once i reached there, i'm kind of lost inside IKEA , not knowing which way is the exact direction to TESCO. After about 10 minutes walking around randomly, finally i found that little building ._.
Before anything, i went into KFC to get my brunch, the so-called KFC Spicy Korean Crunch with a quite 'cute' slogan, 'So Hot ,So Korean' ,my ass. The chicken wasn't hot no more. Not even a single degree of hotness i could feel from da chicken when they enter my giant mouth. I suppose they should name it, 'So Cold,So Shit' -.- wasted about 13 bucks for that . 
Without realising, i guess i had used up quite an amount of money this month. I feels a little guilty though @@
Perhaps this is my first time cutting a whole chicken to smaller piece, never know that could be so hard , i'd swear it looks really easy when i watch other people cut it in my sight, but when it comes to my own hand managing that little thingy , thats just sick . Puhh i should have learn more chicken-cutting skills earlier on ._. And so, it took me a little longer to finally get it done , quite messy though hahaha but its okay, i'm sure i can do much better the second time ! Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be :)

Saturday 18 May 2013

What Done is Done,Behold

Last week i suppose? i was told that in order to pursue my degree in pharmacy , i must meet the NEW entry requirement. The new entry requirement for my degree is that i have to obtain at least 3.5 CGPA in my diploma and 5B in SPM,in which chemistry,compulsory B at the minimum. Thats kind of dissapointing though,at least for me. Before this changes was made(starting march 2013), the previous requirement stated that i only have to get at least 3.8 CGPA in diploma and SPM results are not to be taken into consideration. However, the new system really kind of dragging me down to the very core. And so, i went for a brief discussion with the Head of Pharmacy Faculty, the best suggestion from her, appeared to be the worst for me,RESIT FOR MY SPM CHEMISTRY PAPER ! Only now then i regret not to study a little harder back then in form 5 , i could get A for all the art subject , but then my science subject really leave me no exit. All B and above,EXCEPT my chemistry C+(what the heck?) , just few more marks and i'm up !
What done is done , guess i'll  just have to keep moving forward. The mistake i made back then merely another step towards better me in the future i presume. Regrets are always part of life ,but its never too late to fix things right.

Friday 17 May 2013



Dont Miss

This month must watch movie #1
Must watch #2

Failure Is Not A True Failure

It is not the critic who counts,not the man who points out how strong man stumbles,or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood,who strives valiantly,who errs,who comes short again and again ,because there is no effort without error and shortcoming,but who does actually strive to do the deeds,who knows great enthusiasms,the great devotions,who spends himself in a worthy cause,who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst , if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat

Pathetic Act

Kind of pissed off when i read about a girl's post in facebook which she blame her teacher for causing her not completing her exam question, i mean like, well first u are the one who came to exam hall late, thats why ur teacher detained u for 10 minutes , instead of considering perhaps that is ur own fault, u tends to blame the teacher , this is seriously a very childish act of yours. Why not u try to think another way round, if u be on time, will u be given such a penalty? You are way too pathetic to scold ur teacher in the public. I believe this is what the saying goes ,' When people are lame,they love to blame'.

17 Tips To Double Your Productivity In 14 Days

1. Turn off all technology for 60 minutes a day and focus on doing your most important work.
2. Work in 90 minute cycles (tons of science is now confirming that this is the optimal work to rest ratio).
3. Start your day with at least 30 minutes of exercise.
4. Don’t check your email first thing in the morning.
5. Turn all your electronic notifications off.
6. Take one day a week as a complete recovery day, to refuel and regenerate (that means no email, no phone calls and zero work). You need full recovery one day a week otherwise you’ll start depleting your capabilities.
7. The data says workers are interrupted every 11 minutes. Distractions destroy productivity. Learn to protect your time and say no to interruptions.
8. Schedule every day of your week every Sunday morning. A plan relieves you of the torment of choice. It restores focus and provides energy.
9. Work in blocks of time. Creative geniuses all had 2 things in common: when they worked they were fully engaged and when they worked, they worked with this deep concentration for long periods of time. Rare in this world of entrepreneurs who can’t sit still.
10. Drink a liter of water early every morning. We wake up dehydrated. The most precious asset of an entrepreneur isn’t time – it’s energy. Water restores it.
11. Don’t answer your phone every time it rings.
12. Invest in your professional development so you bring more value to the hours you work.
13. Avoid gossip and time vampires.
14. Touch paper just once.
15. Keep a “Stop Doing List”.
16. Get up at 5 am.
17. Have meetings standing up.